Fun With PAM: Working with pam_cracklib and pam_tally2

Liberty-bell_13850_smPlugable Authentication Modules, or PAM, is the standard mechanism that most Unix and Linux Operatng Systems use for user credential authentication. By design, PAM is broken out into a number of files, each with a specific purpose. Before you can get started with PAM you need to understand a bit about how PAM configuration files are formatted.  So lets get into that first before we try to bite off anything more.


PAM Config File Standards:

PAM config files follow a standard format as shown below.

Rule Types        Control        Module [module arguments]


There are 4 Rule Types

  • auth – used to authenticate users/passwords
  • account – set properties for a user's account
  • password – controls password changes
  • session – sets and controls environmental variables

And there are 5 Control Types

  • required – a module that a user is required to pass
  • sufficient – a user is not required to pass a sufficient module
  • optional – these modules do not have to be passed sucessfully
  • include – these rules reference other PAM config files
  • requisite – similar to required, but if failed, no further rules are checked


Configuring pam_cracklib:

Pam_cracklib is used to define password complexity. It has several module arguments that can be used to define password complexity and lenght. Its most common arguments are show below

  • ucredit – when used in the following format (ucredit=-n) requires the defined number of uppercase characters in a password
  • dcredit – when used in the following format (dcredit=-n) requires the defined number of digits in a password
  • ocredit – when used in the following format (ocredit=-n) requires the defined number of other (think symbols) type charaters in a password
  • lcredit – when used in the following format (lcredit=-n) requires the defined number of lower case letters  in a password
  • minclass – defines the minimum number of different character classes that must be present in a password.
  • minlen – defines the minimum required lenght of a password.

Here's a usage example of the cracklib module from a /etc/pam.d/system-auth file. In this example try_first_pass tells pam to try to use any cached credentials, while retry allows a user to try their password 3 times before the fail this module.

password    requisite minlen=8 ocredit=-1 ucredit=-1 try_first_pass retry=3


Configuring pam_tally2:

Pam_tally2 can be used to lock users after a defined number of failed login attempts. The example below, taken from the system-auth file will lock a user after 3 failed login attempts, will automatically unlock the user after 300 seconds, and will do so quietly, without any notification to the user.

auth        required deny=3 unlock_time=300 quiet

The command pam_tally2 can be used to list users with failed logins and can also be used to reset a user's failed login count. See reset example below

pam_tally2 –reset –u testuser

Note that pam_tally2 deprecates the faillock module.


Supplementary PAM Configuration Options:

Want to limit a user to a particular number of concurrent ssh sessions? You can set this up in /etc/security/limits.conf if you are calling the in your pam configs. Limits.conf provides the example below. Just copy the format and you are off to the races. Remember to remove the #.

#@student        -       maxlogins       4



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