Red Hat OpenStack 8: Making your Undercloud Immutable



This article will show you how to block the overcloud from being deleted.

Blocking Users from Deleting the Overcloud Stack

First make a backup copy of /etc/heat/policy.json

$sudo cp /etc/heat/policy.json /etc/heat/policy.json.orig

Run the command below to see the default stacks:delete policy.

$ sudo grep -m1 stacks:delete /etc/heat/policy.json
“stacks:delete”: “rule:deny_stack_user”,

Then, make it so that we deny anyone and everyone from removing the stack, even if you’re an admin.

Note, that this means that the policy would have to be reverted back to the original configuration to delete the stack in the future. See sed command below.

$ sudo sed -i /stacks:delete/{s/rule:.*/’rule:deny_everybody”,’/}

Verify your changes.

$ sudo grep -m1 stacks:delete /etc/heat/policy.json
“stacks:delete”: “rule:deny_everybody”,

Blocking Users from Deleting Nova Instances

In addition to blocking users from accidentally deleting your overcloud from heat, you should also block the accidental deletion of the overcloud nodes from nova.

First, run the command below to make a backup of /etc/nova/policy.json.

$ sudo cp /etc/nova/policy.json /etc/nova/policy.json.orig

Run the command below to see the default compute:delete policy.

$ sudo grep compute:delete /etc/nova/policy.json
“compute:delete”: “rule:admin_or_owner”,

Now let’s change the policy so that it blocks anyone and everyone from deleting a compute node.

$ sudo sed -i /compute:delete/{s/rule:.*/’rule:deny_everybody”,’/}

Now we can verify our changes.

$ sudo grep compute:delete /etc/nova/policy.json
“compute:delete”: “rule:deny_everybody”,

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