More Console Fun with the Lantronix 3200

Ah, the good old console server. Can't say that I get a lot of chances to work on one, and I will tell you that when I do get a chance I can never remember how to get them setup without referring to my notes.

One of the things that I find most annoying is the command structure and how incredibly user-unfriendly the command line is.

No matter how old and antiquated you consider the console server to be I am sure that you have at least one around somewhere, and I cannot say that they are the worst thing to have at your desk for quick console access to a Sun box.

First thing that you need to know is the difference between the set and the define command.

set    # Immediate but not permanent (effective only until reboot).
define # Permanent but not immediate (effective only after reboot).

Then you need to know save, show, and list

save   # Transform a setting made with 'set' into a permanent setting.
show   # Displays current settings, both temporary and permanent.
list   # Displays settings scheduled to take effect after next reboot.

You are also going to need to know how to delete settings.
clear  # Deletes temporary settings immediately.
purge  # Deletes permanent settings, effective upon next reboot.

Basic Commands:

This will clear the label on a port, this is useful when you are changing the device connected to a port.

set service "service name" port <#> enable
Replace the port number with the port that you are working on, remember to use set so that the change is immediate. Then save your changes to make them permanent with the command , save service all

show port all/show port <port #>
The first command will let you see all your ports, while the second command allows you to view the settings of just one port.

set port <port #> access remote
Use this when setting up a port for remote access. Common on your Sun servers

set port <port #> flow none
Use the command above to set flow control to off

misc. commands
Local_33>> logout
Local_33>> logout port 2
Local_33>> finger # Good brief overview of all ports and status.
Local_33>> show ports all status # Verbose finger.
Local_33>> set port menu enable # Return to menu (from whence you came.)
Local_33> broadcast scsman "test ms"

One thought on “More Console Fun with the Lantronix 3200

  1. If you had ever used an old DECServer you would feel right at home on the SCS3200. In the ’90s most Terminal and Console servers used a very similar command structure, based on the DEC VMS CLI.
    The SCS3200 was EOLed about a year ago. It has been replaced by the SLC32, which has brand new CLI, but the web configuration interface is so good most folks don’t use the CLI.
    BTW, the RJ45 serial pinout of the SLC line of console servers is identical to the old Lantronix ETSs and the SCS3200, so you can use the same cables with it.

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